Description: A lady, wearing an enormous dress made of umbrellas floats majestically across the water, singing to the spectators. Pulled by her two graceful ‘water servants’ the diva slowly approaches. The image is inspired by seventeenth century costume and the Dutch landscape. The Floating Diva evokes associations of mermaids and shipwreck stories: The wandering ghost of a lady who drowned at sea in the distant past? The costume is worn by a soprano who sings arias from (among others) Mozart and Puccini, but also rock opera from e.g. Nina Hagen. Music program is subject to change.
Duration of performance: 1 to 3 performances of max. 20 minutes (with breaks of min 1 hour) Depedig on the kind of event, the flow of the people and the location.
Buildup: 2 hours before the performance
Dismantling: 1 hour
Dimensions: The construction is 2,5 metres high, the diameter is 2 metres.
- A suitable spot from at least 5 m by 5 m to build up the installation.
- The installation needs to be launched into the water from a slipway or a gently sloping shore, or where the embankment is less than 1.5 m high.
- A suitable spot, such as a bridge or a pier, is necessary for the singer to climb into the costume.
- The water needs to be deep enough (1.5 m at least) and safe -unpolluted- for the swimmers.
- The water needs to be calm.
- Rehearsal with sound check.
- Dressing room with shower
- Parking place.
Soundsystem provded by the organisation:
- PA with two inputs
- In-ear monitor
- CD player or usb connection
- Preferably a headset condenser microphone suitable for classical singing. Otherwise a wireless handheld microphone.
- Wireless in-ear monitor, or two monitors on the shore directed towards the water
- A sound technician who operates during the sets and sound check
Construction time: 2 hours building and putting up the umbrellas (the light version takes longer)
Dismantling: 1 hour
Performance preparation: 1 hour
Number of performers: 4
- The organizer is responsible for the safety
- The organizer has to ensure the application of Sabam (author's rights or any performance rights organisation (PRO) of your country)and the authorization of the police department..
- If the acts are performed abroad, if it is too late to go home or if they have to play several days the organization needs to provide hotel accommodations for the team, meals and beverages.
- For day performances the artists would welcome a breakfast/lunch with beverages and for evening shows a dinner.
- The date is only set when the contract has been signed