Giant soap bubbles
Bubbles & globes
Family and children acts
Walk Act
Street Theatre
Fixed act

A mysterious bubbles show, adjacent to the visual arts and street entertainment, with a hint of steampunk and fantasy.
Be enchanted by the elusive reality of this timeless spectacle!
Among the audience they introduce their  mobile vehicle equipped with everything that is important in their world.

Each show is tailored to the  needs and wishes of the organisor. 
In collaboration with the customer they adapt their show, the time of games, the costume and the make-up.They are flexible and open to rethink  and create different performances, appearances or playing times.
Very good as a welcoming act or at a festival.

It is also possible have a giant bubbles workshop, in combination with a performance, only
The artists come from the Netherlands


The prices are determined according to a certain number of criteria: type of show, duration, possibly a workshop, ... These prices are therefore different for each show.

  •          As a fixed act: we use a sound system.
    Through the audience we walk with mobile vehicle to the location to start our show. After the show we walk back through the crowd to the backstage.
    (play time 20-30 min, max 3x schedule in a half day of 4 hours) - playtimes upon agreement with the customer.

    ·        Walk act: we make stops to show our skills.
    (play time 30-40 min, max 3x schedule in a half day of 4 hours) - playtimes upon agreement with the customer.

  • For other performances (welcoming show, festivals, personalised themes) upon agreement with the customer.
  • The organizer has to ensure the application of Sabam (author's rights or any performance rights organisation (PRO) of your country)and the authorization of the police and fire department..
  • The organizer is responsible for the safety
  • If the acts are performed abroad, or if they have to play several days the organization needs to provide hotel accommodations for the team, meals and beverages.
  • The date is only set when the contract has been signed